Blog, news, tips, teachings of the grand master Ping

Découvrez les bienfaits du Qi Gong avec Maître Ping

Discover the benefits of Qi Gong with Master Ping

Discover the benefits of Qi Gong with Master Ping 🌿 Looking for balance in your life? Qi Gong, guided by Master Ping, will help you to: ✨ Reduce stress and find inner peace. ✨ Gain energy for your daily life. ✨ Improve your…
Un voyage de mille lieues commence par un seul pas.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” - Lao Tse #MasterPing #France #Qi #ChiKung #QiGong #QiGongTaoist #QiGongTaoist.
Équilibrez votre corps et votre esprit grâce aux cours de Qi Gong de Maître Ping.

Balance your body and mind with Maître Ping’s Qi Gong classes.

Balance your body and mind with Maître Ping’s Qi Gong classes. With the expert guidance of Maître Ping, you will learn to effectively channel your energy, promoting deep cellular regeneration and inner balance. The weekly classes, via Zoom,…
Te contamos un poco la historia del Qi Gong.

You’re being told a bit about the history of Qi Gong.

You’re being told a bit about the history of Qi Gong. Qi Gong is a millennia-old art that unites body and mind through gentle movements, relaxed postures, and conscious breathing. This ancient practice awakens your vital energy, the “Qi,”…
Le grand maître du Qi Gong Maître Ping

Balance your vital energy with Maître Ping thanks to the Qi Gong

Balance your vital energy with Maître Ping thanks to the Qi Gong Static Qi Gong is a practice in which the body remains immobile on the outside, but performs a deep internal work of purification, cellular regeneration and accumulation of…
Qi Gong taoïste : une pratique ancienne pour équilibrer l'énergie vitale.

Taoist Qi Gong: An ancient practice to balance vital energy.

Taoist Qi Gong: An ancient practice to balance vital energy. Taoist Qi Gong is an ancient discipline that combines philosophy and physical techniques to harmonize the vital energy, or Qi, in the body. This practice, deeply rooted in Taoist…
Suscripción gratuita de prueba con el gran maestro de Qi Gong Maestro Ping.

Free trial subscription with Qi Gong grandmaster Master Ping.

Free trial subscription with Qi Gong grandmaster Master Ping. Qi Energy Transmission Healing Sessions Join master Ping every day to receive Qi Energy Sessions. Improve your health, increase your life force and recharge your…