Master Ping
grand Qi Gong master

”I am a energy practitioner originally from Laos, residing in France.

Having had serious health problems when I was a child (almost total paralysis of the lower limbs), I was treated and cured by a doctor and Buddhist master who ensured my education for many years and introduced me to the knowledge and practice of Qi Gong, (Buddhist modality). Alongside this education, I studied medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of Laos.

After this I spent a year in a Taoist monastery in China to perfect my knowledge and my practice of Qi Gong (Taoist modality), and

I worked as a practitioner in a hospital in Laos practicing Qi Gong therapy that enjoys official recognition.

Since my arrival in France I have been practicing Qi Gong energy healing to help improve many people’s lives and health.

After the pandemic  I started daily Qi transmissions on Zoom, with an ancient remote Qi Gong method. These sessions have already helped many people around the world.  ”

Introduction to Static Qi Gong with Qi Transmission

Static Qi Gong is a practice where the body remains externally still, yet internally engages in deep processes of purification, cellular regeneration, and the accumulation of vital energy (Qi). Practitioners develop their internal strength through relaxed postures and conscious breathing, allowing Qi to flow freely.

The master, such as Master Ping, uses hand imposition to transmit refined Qi to the recipient. This energy clears blockages, nourishes internal organs, and strengthens the body and mind. During transmission, recipients may experience sensations such as warmth, tingling, or deep relaxation, reflecting the energetic balance and improvement occurring internally. While Qi Gong’s benefits cannot be fully proven scientifically, the practice can enhance overall well-being and support essential systems like the immune system.

Each session lasts 45 to 60 minutes, as the recipient typically requires about 10 minutes to begin accepting the energy being transmitted. Furthermore, completing the full meridian circuit takes approximately 28 minutes.

Hand Imposition and Qi Transmission

Hand imposition for Qi transmission is a common practice in energetic disciplines like Qi Gong and Reiki. Its purpose is to channel or direct vital energy (Qi) to another person to support their physical, emotional, or spiritual well-being.

How Does It Work?

  1. Connecting with Qi:
    The practitioner, such as Master Ping, connects with their own Qi and universal energy. This is achieved through practices such as breathing, meditation, and focused concentration.
  2. Projecting Qi:
    Once the Qi is concentrated, the master uses their hands as a channel to direct this energy toward the recipient. Intention plays a crucial role, as the practitioner focuses on helping balance and harmonize the recipient’s energy.
  3. Benefits of Qi Transmission:
    • Energy Purification: Clearing blockages or stagnation in the recipient’s Qi flow.
    • Regeneration and Improvement: While not scientifically proven, many report tissue regeneration and overall vitality improvement.
    • Immune System Boost: Qi balance can help the body optimize its natural defense mechanisms.
    • Deep Relaxation: Qi transmission often induces a state of calm and mental peace.
    • Internal Strengthening: Recipients may feel revitalized, enhancing their energy and inner balance.

Sensations During Practice

Both the master and recipient may feel warmth, tingling, a sense of flow, or even mental imagery. These sensations vary based on each person’s energetic sensitivity.

Technical Aspects: The Science of Qi and Its Transmission

Qi as Bioelectric Energy:
From a technical perspective, Qi can be interpreted as a form of bioelectric or biomagnetic energy present in living beings. The human body generates an electromagnetic field measurable in terms of frequency and amplitude. When an experienced master like Master Ping transmits Qi, they focus this electromagnetic energy toward a specific target.

    • The palms of the hands have high electrical conductivity due to their concentration of nerve endings.
    • Practitioners enhance Qi flow in the palms through specific exercises like Zhan Zhuang (static posture).

Energy Flow Through Meridians:
According to traditional Chinese medicine, the body has energy channels called meridians, connected to internal organs. When the master transmits Qi, they direct this energy through specific points (commonly the hands, head, or abdomen) to unblock and harmonize these meridians. Completing the full meridian circuit takes about 28 minutes.

Focus and Resonance:

    • Focus: The master uses their intention (Yi) to guide the Qi flow. This requires a calm and concentrated mental state known as “active meditation.”
    • Energetic Resonance: The transmitted energy seeks to synchronize with the recipient’s vibrational frequency, facilitating balance and overall improvement.

Conclusion Static Qi Gong with Qi transmission

Static Qi Gong with Qi transmission is a powerful practice that combines stillness, intention, and energetic connection. While it does not aim to cure diseases directly and its effects are not always scientifically measurable, it can significantly enhance physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Qi transmission is a profound art requiring preparation, patience, and a genuine connection to universal energy. Each session provides an opportunity to experience internal balance and comprehensive revitalization.

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