Master Ping
grand Qi Gong master
”I am a energy practitioner originally from Laos, residing in France.
Having had serious health problems when I was a child (almost total paralysis of the lower limbs), I was treated and cured by a doctor and Buddhist master who ensured my education for many years and introduced me to the knowledge and practice of Qi Gong, (Buddhist modality). Alongside this education, I studied medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of Laos.
After this I spent a year in a Taoist monastery in China to perfect my knowledge and my practice of Qi Gong (Taoist modality), and
I worked as a practitioner in a hospital in Laos practicing Qi Gong therapy that enjoys official recognition.
Since my arrival in France I have been practicing Qi Gong energy healing to help improve many people’s lives and health.
After the pandemic I started daily Qi transmissions on Zoom, with an ancient remote Qi Gong method. These sessions have already helped many people around the world. ”